Tuesday 17 May 2016

Documentary 'Mini-task' Essay.

What is a Documentary?
A Documentary is a piece of media that uses pictures or interviews with people involved in real events which provide a factual report on a particular subject. There are many types of documentaries and not all are on television.

Expository Documentaries
An expository documentary is a documentary that speaks directly to the viewer. One example of an expository documentary is "Blue Planet". Blue Planet is a BBC documentary about nature. Most nature documentaries are expository as it is the most effective way of attracting that certain audience. In this documentary it is narrated by Sir David Attenborough and tells of the evolution of creatures and beings on this earth throughout the years. They key features of these types of documentaries is that they are factual, entertaining and visually high quality. This is because it expository mode means to educate the audience on information they may not have necessarily already known.

Observational Documentaries 
Observational documentaries observe the main focus. This means that the focus will be followed around by camera crew to observe their daily life or job role. One example of an observational documentary is "The Salesman" which was released in 1969. This is about four salesmen who go door to door selling bibles to low income catholic families. A lot of observational mode techniques were adopted in the making of this. For example, Hand held cameras which show that the documentary is about real life so they can't set up a perfect shot. 

Interactive Documentaries 
An interactive documentary is one where the audience can physically interact with it. Often these are done on the internet as they are the easiest platform to create this kind of documentary. One example of an interactive web documentary is "Welcome To Pine Point". This is about a small town that has become deserted over the years and has not changed since the creator of the documentary lived there. This is a very good example of an interactive documentary as it allows the audience to control the webpage similar to a book. There is also a lot going on, on each page that keeps the viewer entertained.

Reflexive Documentaries
A reflexive documentary is one that the film maker is present in front of the camera and provides a narrative as to what is going on. Lois  Theroux is a very well known reflexive documentary maker. He often involves himself in the activities that he is documenting which is quite rare for a film maker. One example of a reflexive documentary is Louis Theroux "Behind Bars". This is a documentary to show what prison life is really like. In this, the film maker actually spends time in prison to get a first hand look of how life is confined away from the rest of society. 
Performative Documentaries
A Performative documentary is one that uses emotional and subjective themes to address to the audience emotionally. These types of documentaries are often very inspirational for the viewer. One example is "Tongues Untied" which is a performative documentary about the lifestyle of a black gay man. This documentary would be very inspiring for gay male's as it shows that they should stand up for who they are and not pay any attention to the negative things that people may say about them.

I believe that each documentary can be portrayed in many different ways. There should be a balance between facts and emotions in order for it to be entertaining to watch and effective to the viewer. I think that accurate information is very important as a documentary is an educational experience as well as an entertaining one. 

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