Thursday 17 December 2015

DepicT Assignment - Reflective Post

Video Production:
(We filmed
On the first day we went into room W16 (the studio) to film the hostage video it went to as well as expected. The hardest part om this shoot was to setup appropriate lighting for the dark backdrop. The only issue we came across on this day was that originally we were going to use a black prop gun, but because of the black background, the gun really didn't show up on camera very well. Although this was the case, it was a simple fix. We managed to find a grey gun prop which stood out a lot better on camera.

On the second day of filming we filmed the scenes where the actor was running around the corridors at the college. This was more difficult than expected for various reasons. One reason is that as a college with many students, there were many occasions that we had to stop filming as another student would walk into shot. Another reason why it was quite difficult was, because we filmed in lesson time, we tried to keep the noise level down so not to disturb anyone (And it's quite hard to run quietly). On the whole though, it was a success and we had something that we could work with in the editing process.

On day three we went back into W16 and filmed the birthday scene. It was a bit of a challenge because we had filmed the hostage video in the same room so we needed to change the backdrop and lighting for the birthday scene to give the illusion that it was filmed in a different location.

The Editing Process:
After this, we were finished filming and had to then edit our footage together. The only real difficulties that we came across when editing was that our video files didn't save to the correct place on the computer. This meant that we had to re import everything. The only other minor difficulty was the music. We wanted to choose music that wasn't overused and we also needed a crude sounding rendition of the song 'Happy Birthday' for the end. Although we couldn't find one on the internet, I came up with the idea to create one myself so we didn't have to search the web for royalty free music.

Overall I think my groups production went very well. We managed to stay on time with deadlines and dates and also managed to get what we wanted to get, done without rushing.

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