Sunday 29 January 2017

Corporate Video Reflective Post


                                       Camera Use
In this video we tried to use a lot of wide shots to make the area look more open, This was also used to show a lot of people in the same shot, For example at the very end there is a shot with the patient, the nurse and two other nurses, the only way to achieve this shot was to have the camera in the corner of the room on a tripod. Since we only had one camera it was difficult to setup multiple shots so it was more sensible to use a lot of mid and wide shots. We also used a lot of close ups, this was often to show what's going on in more detail, for example we needed to show the procedure of how they prepare a patient for an operation. We did this by using a series of close ups and we showed the camera step by step.      

The editing in this video is fairly simple because it is aimed for children, the transitions are just simple jump cuts and dissolves. Rather than having lot's of text on the screen we decided to use a voice over to narrate what was going on in the video. The only use of graphics in this video was at the very end where there was a title card with the logo's of the hospital and schools involved. We used a more child friendly, happy go lucky soundtrack because it would be more appealing for the intended viewer (children and parents).   

For the majority of the sound we captured for our video, we used "RØDE VideoMic's". The original plan was to use a zoom audio recorder with a shotgun mic but on the day the audio recorder was very unreliable so we switched to the rode mic's. For the voice over we used a lapel microphone because it was better at capturing close up audio and cutting out a lot of background noise. 

As previously mentioned, for the music that plays throughout the video, we used a royalty free track found on the YouTube Audio Library. This was so that there were no problems with copyright.  

                                                          Mise en Scene
We didn't have any control over where things could be placed because it was a hospital so we had to work around that, although it was fairly simple to do so because the majority of the scenes were of the actor in the hospital bed. It was a little more difficult to film in the corridors as they were busy and we had no control over that, so we had to just work around it. 

Once again we had no control over the lighting since there was no space for soft box lights or anything, so we had to rely on the lighting in the hospital. For the most part this was okay since the lights were white and fairly diffused, the only problem we ran into was in the anesthetic room where the lighting was more yellow, it made the image grainy in places and really was not ideal. The one thing i'd change about this is to bring a few portable lights to just even out the shot and make it look to a higher standard.  

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