Monday 25 April 2016



The Brief
The brief was to create an advert to re-brand a Unilever product to a different target audience. The way we would re brand was through video advertisement . The Unilever product that I chose to re-brand was impulse body spray. I chose this because the current target audience is females aged 18-40, so then I could re-brand to a completely opposite target audience, males aged 18-30.

Form & Style
The advert that we have produced is a stand alone advert but could easily be made into a mini series, placing the main character in many "Manly" situations whilst wearing very feminine body spray. The style of this advert starts off as quite serious but towards the end becomes very lighthearted and humorous. Often humorous advertisement is more effective as it is more easily recognizable, especially if it has a gimmick. For example, PG Tips uses a monkey as their mascot as it is something that is easily memorable and catchy. 
                               Aesthetics (Mise-en-scene)
 For our advert we used a lot of close up shots at the beginning, We did this because we did not want to show the protagonists face until the very end as we wanted the excitement to build up throughout the advert. We used a lot of low angles to add to the mystery of what the protagonist looks like and then at the end of the advert we revealed what he looks like. We did this for comedy effect to make the advert lighthearted and humorous at the very end which contrasts the beginning as it began quite serious but ended in quite a funny manor. Although we did not do this on purpose, the setting of the advert was quite plain which added to the nature of the advert seeming serious, it was similar throughout until the very end where we had a colorful graphic which had the words "Impulse, sweet smelling manly musk". The lighting in the shots were relatively high hey but we had some trouble with the stairs scene as it was so dark in there we had to turn up the contrast quite high on the camera which made it look a little big out of place.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

Persuasion Techniques
In our advert we didn't use too many persuasion techniques until the very end where we used product placement (the impulse bottle) and the slogan graphic. We did this because we didn't want to inundate the viewer with our product like some adverts do. (For example some ads use a lot of repetition to sell their product.)

                                       Advert Effectiveness
I feel that our advert was quite effective but it could've been more so if we cut the length down a bit. I feel like the gym scenes get a bit tedious after a while. Normally if an advert is quick and catchy then it is more effective than one that stretches over a longer period of time. For example the compare the market adverts are effective because of this reason.

               Final thoughts
My final thoughts are that I think that our advert was fit for purpose and it turned out how we intended to turn out. It was quite clear for the audience to understand what was going on and quite effective. However I feel like we could have cut the time of the advert down by 10 seconds at least, just do it isn't so long winded. The main message to the target audience is that even men can wear impulse (a spray originally aimed at females). The only issue is that if someone doesn't watch the advert through to the very end then none of it really makes much sense, hence the reason why if I were to do this again, I would make sure that the advert is a little bit shorter.

The way I got my feedback is through an online survey, the results were generally quite positive. The blank survey as well as results are below.

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